Meriel Parvin
Meriel was born in India but moved to East Africa when she was three. She lived there until the age of sixteen. She now lives in Swanage. All these places have influenced her work.
She has always loved drawing and painting but apart from A level Art, has received no formal training.
She has attended a variety of local courses including an Advanced Certificate in Fine Art, Printmaking, Watercolour, Oils and her particular interest, Life Drawing. She also likes to work outdoors.
She enjoys drawing and sketching and develops her work from this raw material. She loves colour and pattern, and uses a variety of media. The Scottish Colourists are a particular inspiration for her.
Meriel has exhibited several times with Bournemouth Arts Club; she had work selected for the Bournemouth Bicentenary Exhibition at The Russell-Cotes Museum and has had work included in a number of other local exhibitions.